6 comments on “Alpine A310

  1. An interesting remark. I had to return to my previous post about the Pantera in order to compare the two cars. The similarity of the side windows' shapes is indeed striking. Thanks a lot Mike!

  2. what an awesome handfull of alpines you have here!
    the vintage eligor prototype is completely unknown for me.
    I appreciatte the solido with opening hood and doors, nice remind of the old times too.
    the light blue eligor is very nice too.
    question: is the universal hobbies the same as the hachete?

  3. Hello Gaucho Man,

    Well, that's already a long time since I promised to compare the Universal Hobbies and the Norev… but my models are still in cartons as of now, so I still didn't have the opportunity… Thank you anyway to remind me to do it as soon as possible!


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